SweetsKaity Monroe

Berry Fruit Tart

SweetsKaity Monroe
Berry Fruit Tart

It finally feels like summer in Palo Alto. The deck chairs are officially unsheathed by the pool, and I think about (even if I don't actually execute) putting on sunscreen before leaving the house each morning. We're also leaving for our (belated and much awaited) honeymoon in two days. To sum it all up, I've got a case of cabin fever. All I want to do is be outside. On the food front, I've been craving fresh fruit - the brighter and more colorful, the better. At the market today, strawberries and blueberries caught my eye, so I decided to whip up a quick berry tart.

  • 8 puff pastry dough squares
  • 1 egg
  • granulated sugar
  • 8 large strawberries
  • 6 ounces fresh blueberries
  • 8 ounces cream cheese, softened at room temperature
  • 1/4 cup powdered sugar
  • 3/4 cup heavy whipping cream
  1. Heat the oven to 375 degrees.
  2. Defrost the puff pastry dough squares at room temperature for 25 minutes. Place the dough on parchment paper. Brush each square of dough with beaten egg. Sprinkle granulated sugar, to taste, around the edges of each pastry square.
  3. Bake puff pastry for about 20 minutes, or until the pastry puffs and turns lightly golden brown. Remove from the oven and cool completely on wire rack.
  4. While pastry bakes, whip cream cheese with a hand mixer until light and fluffy. Add powdered sugar, and continue whipping. Add 1/4 cup heaving whipping cream, and beat until fluffy.
  5. In a separate bowl, whip remaining 1/2 cup of heavy whipping cream until stiff peaks form.
  6. Fold heavy whipping cream into cream cheese mixture.
  7. Cut strawberries into slices.
  8. Once pastry has cooled, decorate each piece of pastry with a layer of cream cheese mixture topped with strawberries and blueberries.
  9. Enjoy while the pastries are fresh!